Prompts = Digest, Stone, Multiple
Story 1 — Odd Science Theories — Black Holes
In the field of astrophysics, nothing holds as much mystery as black holes. While there are countless theories regarding the warping of space-time, event horizons, and other mathematical constructions, I am in possession of the truth.
Have you ever tried sucking the last drops of something in a glass with a straw? Now imagine our world is the stuff in the glass and very thirsty aliens are on the other end of that straw. It’s obvious.
To summarize, there are multiple straws sucking stardust and cosmic gas. And I guess stones and stuff, but they’re probably harder to digest.
Story 2 — Household Item Wrangler Talks Household Appetites
Photo by Sieuwert Otterloo on Unsplash
G’day. Normally we talk about manmade items within the home and the measures needed to keep them in line. Not today. Today we talk about the home itself and its appetite.
You’re probably thinking homes don’t eat anything. So let me ask you this — have you ever cleaned a space, such as a floor, and a day or two later found little pieces of gravel on it? That’s the remains of the house digesting the surrounding territory.
To keep your house healthy, supply it with a steady supply of bitesized stone, preferably in the basement.
Household Item Wrangler, signing off.
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