Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Learning Language Passively

Prompts = Literate, Passive, Form
I stand in front of the roadside food stall: little more than a basic form with a couple of side tables with ingredients stacked, hanging, crowding the space. Tucked behind all that is a friendly smile and amused eyes; she knows I’m not literate. Hell, I can’t speak or understand a word of her language.
I point, she nods. I hope it’s good.
She holds up six chilies. I indicate one. She laughs.
‘See Sip Baht.’, her hand out with the other holding my food.
Learning language passively, I hand her one hundred baht.
Sixty baht change.
See Sip = forty!

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Monday, June 29, 2020

On The Fly Insults

Prompts = Spelunking, Miser, Astute
Dr. Sterling sees himself as the Authority Of All Knowledge. Don’t get me wrong! He’s as smart as they come, wise, astute. And arrogant. Condescending. Belittling. Let’s say when it comes to insults, he’s no miser; he lets loose with everything he has, even inventing on the fly. Like the other day when he swept into my work area to assess what I was doing.
‘Jones! What are you doing? You dolt, you idiot! You’re spelunking without a helmet and while that may feel good to you, you’re dragging my organization down with it!
‘Acquire brain protection or you’re out!’

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Full To Bursting

Prompts = Produce, Thirst, Burst
The PR firm of Craig&Co presented their ad idea to KoolKola’s Board of Directors…
‘The idea is that we show kids from all walks of life drinking huge amounts of your beverage, slaking their thirst, to the point where they burst!’
Some of the attendees looked horrified. One, an older man, needed some clarification.
‘So… they drink a lot?’
‘Until they burst. Yes.’
‘What do you mean “burst”?’
Craig looked as if the answer were obvious. ‘Their stomachs explode! But they’re smiling when it happens.’
The old man pondered. Then, ‘When can you produce it?’
‘We’re ready to go!’

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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Jeans Rule

Prompts = Preeminent, Tuck, Fashion
The dreams of young men usually include young women, obscene amounts of money, power lorded over the masses, and the like.
Mine involve getting me out of a monkey suit.
Don’t get me wrong: I understand why the suit is the preeminent fashion choice of professionals and politicians.
Check that — I don’t understand. I see someone in a suit and instantly know they want something of mine. Usually money.
It might be why I dream of a world without suits. Without ties. Without the need to constantly tuck my white shirt into my dark coloured wool-blend pants.
Jeans rule.

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Friday, June 26, 2020

Late Night Spy School

Prompts = Participate, Surreptitious, Deviate
Hello enthusiast of late-night TV. My name is Ritchie and am here to tell you about opportunity to learn to be spy at Gregor’s Late Night Spy School.
At Spy School, you will learn key skills, such as surreptitious observation and lock picking. Learn by doing: participate by stealing technological secrets at one of many opportune targets; at least one is near you.
Graduate by completing required missions. Deviate from program of instruction… don’t deviate. Don’t disappoint yourself. Or me.
Handlers are standing by to take down all your personal details, including locations of high-profile relatives. Call now!

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Thursday, June 25, 2020


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Prompts = Proud, Sup, Rescue
My children. Soft-hearted, bleating, pathetic creatures. Gods I despise them. How can I be proud of this lot?
They insist we “sup” and “dine”. Apparently the simple act of eating isn’t enough for them.
My eyes may be rheumy but they still inspire fear when they linger on any of the squishy sods. Watch how Steven squirms under it, how the veneer of confidence washes away so easily.
The rest watch, partly in horror and partly in humour; none dare rescue him, hoping to avoid being next.
As they jockey for my millions, I laugh; it’s going to charity.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

This Is Heaven?

Prompts = Civil, Sanctioned, Bliss
You’d figure that after my heart attack, passing through the Pearly Gates, and being issued wings and harp, things would be simple…
‘Let me introduce myself’, said the angel with gold feathers intermingled with the white, ‘I’m Assistant-Arch-Angel Bobby. Welcome to Heaven.’
‘Hi Bob. Nice to meet you.’ I thought it best to be at least civil, this being Heaven and all.
‘We all need to pull together to make sure Paradise stays that way. Here’s a list of all sanctioned angelic activities you can do.’
He handed me a small pamphlet, the words in large type.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Prompts = Wig, Fanciful, Leotard
She never intended to cause problems. But somehow Trouble always found her, always sneaking up on her like a certain big brother who found it funny to scare her at every opportunity he got.
Trouble found her the other day when she wanted to be pretty. Dressed in her very best leotard, she went to her mother’s dressing mirror and put lovely makeup on. And the wig, so big and blond and fanciful. And heels!
Trouble made a huge mess of it all: stains on her clothes, the carpet, in the wig.
She got punished. And Trouble laughed.