Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Ghost Ship

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Photo by Josh Campbell on Unsplash

Prompts = Wooden, Pebble, Trip
Young campers huddled around the weak light of a dying campfire. A camp counsellor started talking softly:
‘One night, before the cliff was fenced off, some local kids were up here.
‘Someone went over the edge. Maybe he tripped. Or maybe was pushed. But instead of landing on the hard pebble beach, he splashed into water; the tide running high that day.
‘From a sudden heavy mist, a wooden ship appeared, scooped him up, then disappeared.
‘Legend talks of a ghost ship that captures those that fall from the cliff and are forced to crew it forever.
Someone gulped loudly.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bongos? + Just Waiting For My Coffee (2 Fer Tuesday)

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Photo by Amir Yalon on Unsplash

Prompts = Website, Bongos, Gregarious
Story 1 — Bongos?
First, I want to say it wasn’t my idea.
Everyone has that one friend who’s super gregarious and energetic, up for anything. If you don’t know who that is, it’s probably you.
Anyway, she calls at 1am to say she’s just booked a free class at this music studio and that I should check out the website. So I said I would, then promptly forgot everything and fell back asleep.
Which is why early Saturday morning she’s banging on my door saying that unless I get a move on, we’re going to be late. Late for what, I asked.
Story 2 — Just Waiting For My Coffee
How are you?
I hate waiting for my coffee order to come up, don’t you?
I’m usually a flat white girl but today I thought, why not, go crazy and get the mocha.
Ah, yeah, getting on your phone to get away from that dopey gregarious girl whose chatting your ear off, right? I hear ya.
I read somewhere, probably a promotional website, but still, that increased socializing can extend your life by decades. Sounds insane, right?
I think I’ll just tap the bar impatiently like it’s a set of bongos until my drink comes up.
Ok, bye.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Down Under The Cushions (A Household Item Wrangler story)

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Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash

Prompts = Percolate, Coin, Purse
‘G’day. Let’s talk about what’s down under your sofa cushions.
‘Take a minute while the ol’ java is percolating away to take a gander at the civilization that exists one piece of foam rubber away from your posterior. The untrained eye will see random junk: coins, old receipts, little toys. But to an expert’s eye, it’s a community: diverse types co-existing in harmony. It’s a beautiful thing.
‘Remember, you’re not responsible for them being in there; scientists believe these items are migratory, perhaps for purposes of spawning. Further research will help confirm this hypothesis.
Household Item Wrangler, signing off.’

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Can I Get A Ride Home?

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Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

Prompts = Disappoint, Rinse, Feet
Knock knock cough sneeze cough knock knock
Officer Rodriguez checked the security feed to the station. A young boy in a yellow slicker holding the leash of a happy dog. Both soaked. He rolled his eyes.
‘Hello Max.’ The officer addressed the dog. ‘Why are you and Toby out in the thick of a thunderstorm, late, on a school night?’
‘Hi, Officer. Max got out and I…’ Toby clearly had this rehearsed.
‘Hate to disappoint, but there’s no rides home in a police cruiser. Go rinse off, dry those paws and feet. I’ll call your parents for a ride home.’

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Checking Out Shortly

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Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Prompts = Slimy, Creation, Institution (by Aleesha:
Bucky “Two Hats” Bellingham, if asked, says he intends to “check out” from Seagate Correctional Institution in short order. It’s intended to make guards laugh and inmates take notice; he’s serious in his intention.
It’s why I, Peter “No Nose” Johnson, am approaching him with a plan. It involves sliding through pipes. Ordinarily, it’d be impossible to pass through them. But, with the right material, we can slip through them like eggs through hens.
Bucky works in the kitchen. I bet he can make a slimy concoction or oily creation that will do the trick.
Time for a working lunch.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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Friday, September 25, 2020

Disconcerting Or Entertaining?

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Photo by Glen Hodson on Unsplash

Prompts = Disconcerting, Thanks, Haste
Sounds associated with the invading alien spacecraft crisscrossed overhead. Inside an assisted living facility, a very crotchety 97-year old widow was being ushered out of her room into a waiting van.
Or so the waiting driver and residents thought. She’d actually locked herself in the bathroom.
‘Mrs. Black, we need to go! Everyone’s waiting!’
‘Why go anywhere? For you younger folks, being invaded by aliens is, I’m sure, disconcerting. For me, it’s entertaining.’
‘But we can’t leave you!’
‘I’ll give thanks if you make haste to wherever you think will be safe. Pour me some bourbon before you go.’

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Me'n Smalls + untitled (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Flag, Forest, Pistachio

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Photo by Hannah Cenusa on Unsplash

Story New — Me’n Smalls
‘M’Lord, scouts have spotted ships on the horizon. Step forth you two and describe what you saw.’
‘Pardon your Lordship, me’n Smalls here spotted well nigh a dozen ships about a day’s sail away.’
‘Um… no. My name’s not “Smalls”, that’s just what they’s call me and…’
‘Enough! What colours do they fly?’
‘I think me’n Smalls can agree the flags are green like the deepest forest.’
‘Um… no, we cannot agree on that. I did say that just because you get to go first doesn’t mean you’re right. The ensigns, that being what they’re called, are pistachio green.’


Story Old — untitled (originally posted here
The setting sun cut clear lines through the ragged flag that sagged wearily against the tepid breeze. Nadia trudged home, numb to the surrounding destruction.
Everything she’d had was gone, taken by some marauding army or militia or other — it was hard to tell them apart. Husband and male children forced to join one of them. Her income, her pistachios and the trees they grew on, napalmed and unrecoverable. Her little home in a little forest now little more than a hovel, not fit for a dog.
One foot followed another followed another. Not a single tear fell.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My Baby Is Sick

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Photo by Nathan Van Egmond on Unsplash

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Scam In Pink + The Sinking Palace (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Copy, Flamingo, Patronage (by Aleesha

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Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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Monday, September 21, 2020

When's Dinner?

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Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Rethinking The Project

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Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Join in on the fun of making a story from the same prompts I do!