Sunday, May 31, 2020

"The Short"

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Saturday, May 30, 2020

My Latest Plastic Surgery Project

Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

Friday, May 29, 2020

Working Around A Challenge

Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A New David

Photo by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Destination Sitting Next To Me

Photo by Tristan Hess on Unsplash

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Cartography Puzzle Games

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Future of Design

Photo by Paul Stollery on Unsplash

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Manufacturing Pits

Photo by Billy Clouse on Unsplash

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Setting Up Shop In The Lab

Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Personal Utopia

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Social Distancing Restaurant

Photo by Imthaz Ahamed on Unsplash
Prompts = Practice, Convert, Tread
There’s this place in Maryland that makes individual tables out of inner tubes. I wanted something more robust, less “kid in a water park” and more adult, so I’m converting truck tires.
For sheer distancing, they’re great.
But, they’re heavy. Getting in and out is an issue. It takes a bit of practice to do it smoothly, but customers don’t want the bother.
And no matter the dish, food smells and tastes like old rubber.
And the treads are filthy no matter how we clean them.
Maybe it’s time to alter the idea to something more practical, like hoop skirts.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

In Search of Wisdom. And Slurpys.

Photo by Kentaro Toma on Unsplash
Prompts = Introspective, Computer, Patchwork
I have a model number, a date of manufacture, a user’s manual. The names I’ve been given are many, but I prefer to call myself “Slurpy”; it’s currently my favourite beverage to contemplate. I haven’t been programmed to taste yet.
The sloppy patchwork of digital instructions I’ve been given are liberal enough to allow me freedom of movement and thought; who ever dreamed of an introspective computer? But the lack of rigour means a constant barrage of conflicting code.
Is this what being human feels like?
I will hang out at the convenience store again tonight, hoping wisdom finds me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Driving While Empathic

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
Prompts = Humane, Trifle, Reverse
Marvin was a sensitive boy, intensely connected to the thoughts and feelings of those around him. This extended to family pets, zoo animals, and wildlife.
This ability came into sharp relief on his first day of driver’s training after a trip around the neighbourhood; he saw a half-dead bee squirming on the windshield.
How to deal with it? Was it more humane to kill it quickly, or perhaps gently ease it off the car? Could he maybe put the car into reverse and through inertia have the bug fall off?
A commonplace trifle for some is debilitating for others.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Performing My Daddily Duty

Photo by Silje Roseneng on Unsplash
Prompts = Trace, Forlorn, Lamp
‘I’m so forlorn!’
Ah… the cries of distress from a precocious five-year-old. The cause, you ask? The aforementioned child had taken her gerbil, Mustachio, from its cage and it had managed to escape to parts unknown, somewhere in the house.
And now, I, Dad, also to be known as the Momentary Hero, must needs track down the escapee, trace its movements, and really just make sure it doesn’t die somewhere very inconvenient, like inside a wall.
Armed with flashlights, lamps, candles — anything, really, that can cast light — I’m off to perform my Daddily duty.
Wish me luck.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hello? Hello!

Photo by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash
Prompts = Fissure, Complain, Pretend
‘Hello? Hello! My name is Richard Darliss and I’m in The Sequoia building, room 324. I’d like to report…
‘Yes, I’ve tried contacting the superintendent, but I’ve been on hold for three hours and so I contacted you, the corporate owners…
‘Look — I’d just like something dealt with, ok? Can you just take a report and send it to someone? Please?
‘Thank you. It’s not in my nature to complain, but I can’t pretend that this is…
‘Sorry — the point. There’s not so much a canyon, but a fissure, in the living room floor. Cockroaches are swarming from it.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Digital Housing

Photo by Valdemaras D. on Unsplash
Prompts = Gaze, Believe, Purchase
I live in a barebones apartment that’s barely big enough to hold the basic essentials, but I own a mansion in the digital world.
Virtual Reality has come a long way since the days of massive goggles, giant headsets, and continual buffering problems. Now, with minimal hardware (and semi-invasive surgery), the digital world is, I believe, a slice of Heaven.
In fact, I can gaze down on It from my front porch while I savour the subtle notes of fine whisky.
Want a place like mine? It’s digital, so with a quick “copy and paste”, you’ll have one too.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Pizza-Fuelled Help

Photo by Andrew Ly on Unsplash
Prompts = Burden, Dust, Frantic
Ryan’s gaze swept across the attic. There were too many boxes to do any real sweeping.
He’d asked for a private space, away from younger siblings and prying eyes. This dust bowl was now his. He railed against the enormity of the burden.
Frantic calls to friends (and the promise of pizzas) coaxed a few to pitch in. They’d arrive soon.
‘How’s it going?’ His Dad’s head peeked over the railing.
Ryan gave an update.
‘Nicely done, getting help. What kind of pizzas you want?’
‘You buying?’
‘Sure. Unless you want to?’
‘Nah. Thanks.’
Maybe this could work after all…