Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Ways Of The Super-Wealthy

 Photo by Daniele Colucci on Unsplash

Prompts = Crag, Estimate, Worthy

The ways of the super-wealthy are sometimes ridiculous. Take the case of Wilbur Snidestump, the billionaire who owns the third largest island in the Pacific Ocean, who decided, after watching footage from the Mars rovers, that he wanted to scape his land as if it were a planted Martian landscape.

After finding a construction company that was not just excellent at what they do but worthy of his business, he went over the plans in meticulous detail — every mountain, ridge, and crag discussed and analyzed. A plan came together.

Wilbur did demand that the estimate be final and nonnegotiable.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Thinking About Physics + Class Project (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Physics, Bathroom, Task

Story 1 — Thinking About Physics

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Albert Einstein, while working as a patent clerk, was able to think about physics and make remarkable discoveries.

The same didn’t happen to Herbert Blinken.

Eight years ago, Herbert watched fellow Building Permitting office workers divide the issuing of permits into multiple smaller jobs, increasing the permitting time.

He theorized cutting the job into an infinite number of smaller tasks would take an infinite amount of time to complete, creating a type of suspended animation.

Wally Wassleman has been waiting eight years to hear if he can remodel his bathroom. Herbert, meanwhile, hasn’t aged a day. Or moved at all.


Story 2 — Class Project


Photo by Jordane Mathieu on Unsplash

Jan had been given a month by her science teacher to design an experiment that would test a law, any law, of physics.

She hated school projects and would put off doing them until the very last minute, if at all. Which is how she found herself in the school bathroom trying to calm herself. How was she going to perform this one simple task?

When it was her turn, she stood in front of the class empty-handed. And then fainted.

When she came to, her teacher was there, concerned. ‘You know, testing gravity needn’t be so physically demanding.’

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Monday, June 28, 2021

Odd Science Theories - Spiders

 Photo by Tamas Tuzes-Katai on Unsplash

Prompts = Contender, Collectively, Web

While there are contenders for which is the smartest animal, one contender that is often overlooked is the spider, which is a shame because they’re the smartest of them all.

“How smart are they individually?”, critics ask. And the answer isn’t surprising — not very. But collectively, they’re information traders along a webby network; aside from capturing food, webs connect and communicate with other nearby webs.

The most innovative spiders weave webs directly onto satellite dishes, which both bridge continents and allow for communications with space satellites.

And from what I hear on the web, spidernauts will be in space soon.

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Write your own on Discord =

And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Sunday, June 27, 2021

One-Thousand Small Steps Is All It Took

On the one hand, I was living an idyllic life; a Canadian retired in Thailand, it’s like being on vacation every day. It’s a life dictated by self-imposed schedules, not workplace-focused calendars or clocks. My life centred on morning coffee, mealtimes, and entertainment. No rushing around, no stress, no worries.

Which leads to the other hand: a life without purpose, without meaning.

With all the time in the world on my hands and nothing worthwhile keeping them busy, I needed an outlet. There had to be something more I could do with my day that was on my own terms using my skills to fulfill this part of me that felt flat, empty.

My wife had discovered her inner artist. While she was playing with shape and colour, pencils, paints and papers, I watched her find a satisfaction she’d been missing and fulfill a longing, a dream for more. She started creating on a daily basis, discovering new skills, and improving her art (thank you Sketchbook Skool).

She offered me use of her supplies, but they weren’t for me. I’m a math guy. I’m more comfortable with words and ideas than shape and colour. I pondered it… how could I use words to paint? To create? Wouldn’t that require something epic, like writing a book? What would I write about? How does someone go about doing that? It seemed Herculean.

Years before, I’d been part of a local writing group. There was a monthly newsletter and within it a writing challenge: utilizing three prompt words, write a one-hundred-word story. At the time, I’d enjoyed the exercise. I’d sit with the three words for a couple of weeks, allow ideas to percolate, and by the date I needed to have my entry submitted to make the next newsletter, it was ready. There was something magical about seeing my entry, alongside others, in that publication.

Then an idea formed: what if I wrote one-hundred-word stories? What if I did one every day?

It sounded like a huge commitment but was it really? It was simply one-hundred words every day. I could accomplish that — couldn’t I?

I surfed the web, looking for places where I could be part of a writing community, hoping for a replication of what I’d had with the writing group from before. I didn’t find what I was looking for. What I did find was writers who worked in short fiction insisting that stories of very short length deserved the same care and crafting as longer works. That words should be used to paint elaborately, lavishly, carefully.

That didn’t fit my idea of what I wanted to do at all. I wanted to have a bit of fun, not toil in the trenches of vocabulary and grammar, cramming as much meaning as I could force into each sentence. What I wanted, in terms of visual arts, was less a painting and more a sketch. Get a story onto the page, lightly edit so that the result was something I felt good about, then move on with the rest of my day.

And that, is what I do and have been doing. Every single day.

For the past few years I have created a story every… single… day.

And today (June 27, 2021), marks the day I write my 1,000th one-hundred-word story. Even as I write the previous sentence, it feels unbelievable. And yet it’s true.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

With ketchup.

Do you wonder why I do it?

I write because:

It helps me laugh. The world can be doom and gloom, but I can spend some time writing about my imaginary characters: Frank Cappuccino, a bicycle cop from Massachusetts; people who call into the Cooking With Julie show; or conversations between animals in the ocean. This makes me smile.

It gives my creativity a place to stretch and be active. Writing stories is sort of like doing Sudoku puzzles in that you are constructing something active with your mind. But it’s also different in that you are placing the starting numbers in their associated grids. And then colouring in the spaces within the grid. And maybe even straying outside the lines!

The stories and ideas are something I can share with others. It feels good to know that a story can reach a lot of people. Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, a story I wrote around Christmas time a couple of years ago, went viral. That was amazing, watching the viewership rise daily.

It’s something that can’t be taken away. Each story is like a bit of treasure.

I set the rules. I control what I create. It’s deeply satisfying to do something where you are the one making the rules.

It’s a creative habit. No matter what’s going on in my life, birthday, holiday, moving, whatever, it’s something that if I don’t do it, the day doesn’t feel right.

It can lead to other, bigger projects. As I’ve been posting stories and interacting with the writing community, I’ve run into opportunities. For instance, I’ve had one-hundred-word stories posted in online publications. I’ve also run into opportunities to write larger pieces for contests, and while those stories haven’t won blue ribbons, one in particular is the starting chapter for a book I’m currently editing.

Having now established some reason(s) to write creatively, let’s delve into my how.

Here’s my step-by-step process:

1. Every day I pick three words.

The idea isn’t to pick massively complicated words and try to horseshoe them into a story. “Ocelot, Vertiginous, Narcoleptic” — any one of those could be difficult to use, not to mention all three together. As first choices, pick words with multiple meanings to provide plenty of flexibility. “Ham, Pick, Fall” — those can come together in a number of ways.

2. I take those three words and draft my story. I keep my word counter on to see how many words I have left or how many words I need to cull.

This is a good place to talk about the size of the story. For me, one-hundred words is sufficient to get an idea down but not so big as to require a lot of formulating of story. Sometimes I have to cut down my story to make it fit within my allowed one-hundred words, so I have to consider what the best bits are and keep those.

3. As far as the process of the creation of the story goes, I think the best way I can explain how I do it is with one of my stories:

He sits back, reading and rereading the three words sitting on the page; the remaining white space waits patiently for a story to coalesce. He sees the words form connections and can hear snippets of different stories containing a variety of plot lines and a multitude of points of view. They fountain forth, displacing what came before and washed away by what follows, until the fingers catch hold of words, sentences, paragraphs, and they appear as if by magic on the screen. He reads, edits, smooths, polishes but some burrs remain, inadvertently or not.

And then he does it again.

4. Once I’m happy with what I’ve written, it’s time to start publishing and recording:

a. I begin with YouTube. I read my story, perhaps act it out a bit, while my loving and ever-patient partner records (and laughs where appropriate)(usually). I treat these videos like Livestreams in that I don’t edit them — too much work required. A copy of the story goes into the Video Description.

b. Next is Medium. Medium is a subscription site, in that you pay to read articles there. However, it’s free to post stories. I use Medium because it formats nicely and I can use Unsplash pics and photos without worrying about copyright issues.

c. Lastly, I post on Blogger.

All told, it takes me about an hour (and usually much less) to go from beginning to end.

Are you interested in doing this too?

If you are, remember that this time is your time. The story is yours. It can be silly, sad, poignant… anything you want. Over time, you may discover characters, situations, or scenes that call repeatedly for more time on the page. One of my favourites is the Household Item Wrangler — an imaginary YouTuber who offers advice on how to keep common items in your home behaving nicely (the first story was about how paperclips like to swim in schools, like fish).

Are you interested in interacting with a supportive community of fellow writers? That can be found by following this link to my Discord server, where I post both daily prompts and the stories that come from them. Post your own stories and let fellow readers enjoy what you have to say!

I’ve found myself within the creating and telling of stories. I hope this story about my one-hundred-word stories inspires you to do the same.

Some Thoughts On Hitting 1,000 100-Word Stories

 Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash

With this being the 1,000th 100-word story, I’d like to get serious and…

‘…bore the heck outa everyone. Instead, talk about the proper diet for electrical outlets…’

‘…and how to deal with cooking quandaries.’

‘I want to remind people to remember their past selves. Operators are standing by.’

‘I nearly spit take my lobsta chowda.’

‘I’m the new guy? Matt Varley? I’d like to actually listen to some hit parade music.’

Don’t get your hopes up. Thanks everyone for being a part of the first thousand and I hope to see you as we start the next thousand tomorrow.

[Editor’s Note — Thanks to Household Item Wrangler; Julie, from Cooking With Julie; Psychic Goddess Cassidy; Frank Cappuccino, Bicycle Patrol 51; and Matt Varley of Matt Varley’s Hit Parade, for appearing in this story.]

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Numerology Four Dinner

 Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Prompts = Nine, Ninety, Stories

‘Numerology is based on the essential nature of numbers! One represents beginnings, nine is endings, and five, equally between them, is for change!

‘Ancient stories are full of numerology! The solidity of four, the mystery of seven — it’s there if you know what to look for!

‘But the coolest is nine! Add up the digits of a number, like ninety, so nine plus zero, is nine! Any number’s digits that sum to nine is divisible by nine! Isn’t that amazing?

‘Yeah. Ok. Nine, please.’


‘Can we stop talking about this and number one with eating dinner?’

‘You get it!’

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Friday, June 25, 2021

Tinfoil Hat Conversations - Algebra

 Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

Prompts = Algebra, Debate, Known

Today on Tinfoil Hat Conversations we present two sides of the ongoing algebra debate.

This is Robert Robertson who holds that “algebra” is Arabic and should be pronounced al-gebra.

‘I also think we should use Roman numerals again, because VII times IV is XXVIII, the way it’s always been intended!’

‘Just one moment Robert and you’ll get a turn. And this is Spencer Spacey who believes it was named for Alfred Gebra, who’s known for creating the gebra, which is the giraffe-necked zebra the world’s press insists on ignoring.’

‘I have photos.’

‘Wonderful. Let’s begin the discussion with…’

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Conductor's Call + Step Right Up (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Free, Flea, Fee

Story New — Conductor’s Call

Photo by Virginia Johnson on Unsplash

‘All aboard!’

Marvin yelled the Conductor’s Call, that quintessential warning that failure to board now meant being left behind.

‘Hello, welcome, the blood will flow soon.’

‘Is it free to drink?’, an elderly female asked.

‘Yes ma’am, but there’s a fee for better seating closer to a vein.’

‘I’m a widow — my poor husband ate powder he shouldn’t’ve. Any chance you could see your way to allowing me one of those premium seats?’

‘Of course. On behalf of the Flea Bag Express, please accept my condolences. Let me guide you to one of my favourite spots.’

‘Thank you, dear tick.’

Story Old — Step Right Up

 Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

“Step right up! See amazing feats of strength by the Strong Man! See the Bearded Lady and the Spider Boy! See Jucama and his amazing trained leopards! Step right up here, ladies and gentlemen! See Benardo’s amazing flea circus! Just ten cents!”

A child tried to walk past.

“This ain’t free, kid! Pay the fee before you see! Go away and bother someone else. Step right up folks!”

Little Jimmy Diamond was often confused for a child because he was the shortest man in the world. He had thought about being a part of this travelling show, but not now.

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I've Got Your Back

 Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Prompts = Investigation, Colleague, Primary

‘Excuse me, Senator Pile? I’d like to ask you some questions about your colleague, Senator Nutmeg.’


‘It’s just an inquiry related to an ongoing investigation. You understand.’

‘No, I don’t understand. Senator Pile is an honest, upright legislator. He’s a good religious-service attending family man, coaches his local junior varsity football team, and volunteers at the food bank every Sunday evening.’

‘We have evidence that makes you a primary witness in a decades-long pay-for-play scandal. Either cooperate with us or…’

‘I told him he’d get caught, but would he listen? Sign me up to cooperate!’

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Lush Law + I Love This Band (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Disregard, Lush, Bleed

Story 1 — The Lush Law

Photo by Joaquin Romero on Unsplash

In an effort to reduce drunk driving incidents, a local town council recently passed a kind of “know your customer” law (inspired by similar laws in financial services industries). The bartenders call it the “Lush Law”. Which means Tom, the bouncer of the Corner Craft Beer bar, has to collect the car keys of everyone known to drink to excess. Disregarding the law results in harsh civil penalties.

Since the council didn’t bother to define what exactly they meant by “known to drink to excess”, the business chose to expand into the Corner Craft Beer bar, hotel, and car park.


Story 2 — I Love This Band

 Photo by Austin Wade on Unsplash

‘Welcome back to Matt Varley’s Hit Parade. I’m Matt Varley and up next is a band I’ve admired ever since I was in high school, because we went to the same school. Since then, their soundscape has developed in several different directions, resulting in their lush signature sound. Layered on top of that is German Germain’s lyrics, which he delivers in a gritty, harsh, almost strident tone. It’s haunting.

‘My camerawoman is making a tapping on the watch motion. What is it, Mom?’

‘Don’t disregard my motioning! You’re out of time!’

‘Oh. Sorry. Can you guys come back next week?’

Links to other sites where I publish:

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art: