Prompts = New, Year, Eve
Story New — Letter From The Editor
This is the eve of a new age of discovery.
I don’t mean like Christopher Columbus, who fell off the face of the Earth four times in his supposed search for India. I mean, yes, he landed on the coast of the Americas, so that’s hard to explain.
And then landed back in Spain on the return trip. Four times.
Maybe it was group hysteria from vitamin C deficiency.
Anyway, this is the year the community will prove several obvious scientific principles including that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
Maxwell Doubleknees
Editor-in-Chief, Flat Earth Magazine
Story Old — Astrology Report
Every year, Troy would write an astrology report. While he viewed it as a seriously researched report, most sales were for the comic value. As an example, here’s the report that came out on the eve of 2019:
“With the new year bringing in the Year of the Wombat, it’s important to remember that good things come in old packages. Now’s the time to grasp the future and also to remember the past, which will bring happiness and health. If you walk and chew gum at the same time, expect to step on a crack. Stay away from bubble gum.”
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