Prompts = Toucan, Grouse, Mime
Story New — Mascot Auditions
The usual cast of characters waited to audition to be the new spokes-animal for a new breakfast cereal: Fruit Loops. Tony the Tigre had already bagged Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes gig and mascot opportunities were shrinking rapidly. Everyone was feeling the pressure.
Helmut the Hermit Crab mimed Gina Grouse’s attempts to win over the advertising executives casting for the position. Laughter erupted in the back room as Helmut sagged lower and lower, mimicking Gina’s prospects die on stage.
Toucan Sam jumped the queue and said despairingly, “Watch and learn, losers”. Maybe it was that moxie that got him the job.
Story Old — Jerry, You’re An Idiot
Photo by Geoffrey Baumbach on Unsplash
“Hey Jerry. What’s up?”
“Barbary got loose and I don’t know where he’s got to!”
“Your toucan? Wow. What are you going to do?”
“I’ve been watching youtube for ideas. Aside from a fair number of contributors who grouse that owners allow toucans to get loose far too often, I found one idea I think might work.”
“Great! What is it? And please don’t tell me it has anything to do with your flapping your arms and sounding like an idiot.”
“Toucans are smart, Sam. I’m using mime to show Barbary that he should come home.”
“Jerry, you’re an idiot.”
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