Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash
Prompts = Comfortable, Breathe, Ending
Hi everyone,
It’s said that all things have their seasons — a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to brew coffee and a time to drink it, and all that.
It turns out there’s a season for writing stories daily. I know this because over the past little while I’ve been feeling that my season for creating them is coming to an end. The stories I used to look forward to formulating each and every day have become more of a chore, a duty to myself and my readers, both known and unknown. The fun is waning.
I considered ending my creative endeavour on an important date, such as the 3-year mark of starting my daily practice. But something I realized is that the most important date to end something, in this case at least, is the day it feels good and comfortable to let it go.
I didn’t write yesterday and the feeling of relief of not having to write allowed me to breathe — something I hadn’t realized I wasn’t doing until I stopped feeling like I had to write.
And so this is an announcement that I’ll no longer be writing and recording stories on a daily basis. I don’t anticipate recording them anymore, so that if and when I do write a story, it’ll be posted in Blogger and Medium.
Before I close this post completely, I do want to thank the readers and watchers who were part of this whole experience. It’s been quite a ride with support coming from unanticipated places: Blogger readers in France, Medium readers who flocked to Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, and the YouTube subscribers and viewers.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my Lovely Lady Love who always held the camera, laughed in the right places, and provided colour commentary. I couldn’t’ve done it without her.
And so, on behalf of myself and all the characters who’ve come to life, thanks for reading, for watching, but most of all, for making the stories a part of your day.
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