Prompts = Tube, Assemble, East
Story 1 — He Got Away
The bicycle tube pulsed with the pump’s action, the inflation taking a frustratingly long time. Not helping things was Bicycle Patrol 51 Frank Cappuccino’s desire to explain the situation to his sergeant with his hands; the tire slowly deflating until Frank remembered to keep pumping.
‘I was in hot pursuit, headed east on Cambridge Drive, of this purse snatcher. I had some of the guys assemble up ahead to cut him off. We had him.
‘But as we got close, a rock punctured the front wheel. That was that. He got away.’
‘Don’t worry Frank. We’ll get him next time.’
Story 2 — Paragonian The Fierce
This is the official tale of Paragonian the Fierce and his bid to rescue the fair damsel Soliloquy who’d been taken east by the jealous Prince Bob.
Paragonian rode alone, not bothering to assemble a troop of companions.
He defeated the halitosis-wielding mage, Beast Breath. And he negotiated a peace between two warring tribes of lawyers.
He even successfully crossed the flooded River Sweptaway. Where others would have turned back, he pulled a massive bright yellow tube from his pack, inflated it, and floated across on the giant rubber ducky to his next challenge.
Stay tuned for Chapter Two!
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