Monday, February 1, 2021

The Modern Marlboro Man

 Photo by Chromatograph on Unsplash

Prompts = Toxic, Occurrence, Atom

Kaching Kaching Kaching ‘Howdy pardner.’

The rugged cowboy, complete with Stetson, stood solidly, arms crossed. He looked down on me, bespectacled, in my lab coat. I stared up in awe.

‘I hear you’ve got some biological rustling needing done.’

I swear I gulped. ‘Yes sir.’ I might have squeaked.

He nodded knowingly.

‘There’s…’ I might have squeaked again.

He held up his hand. ‘You’re dealing with an unfortunate but highly toxic occurrence related to material smaller than a hydrogen atom. That’s why they sent me.’

And then he strode off towards the infected space.

My hero, the Modern Marlboro Man.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

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