Prompts = Oblivious, Knock, Corrupt
Story New — Conventional Logic
‘Look, Dad, all I’m trying to say is…’
‘Not another word!’
‘…is don’t knock it until you try it.’
‘You, daughter, have tried my patience ever since you were born. You push boundaries that shouldn’t be pushed. Don’t think I’m oblivious to your current designs!’
‘You take every convention and challenge it! You corrupt! You destroy! You -‘
‘You blow everything out of proportion! I suggest one small thing and all I get is doom and gloom!’
‘It’s our traditions that keeps chaos at bay! Violate them at our peril!’
‘Cabernet with risotto will destroy the world?’
‘It… it might.’
Story Old — Sigmund Speaks
Photo by Carl Cervantes on Unsplash
“Ze needs of ze corrupt are ze same az zoze of ze virtuous.”
Orientation for the new psychologists coming in to serve the needs of congressional staffers in Washington DC was, in a word, weird. Why did they need to listen to someone who thought he was Sigmund Freud?
“Ven zer iz za knock on za door, ve cannot be oblivious of ze needs that haz brought ze person to you. Ve are not here to judge! Ve are here to listen.
“Invite zem in. Have zem get comfortable. Offer a cocktail. And zen ask zem about zeir mudher.”
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