Prompts = Pure, Honey, Groove
Story New — Breakfast Games
‘I’m Julie and this is Cooking With Julie, helping with your cooking quandaries. Who’s on the line?’
‘My nine-year-old and I play Tic-Tac-Toe PB&J. We cut grooves into a piece of toast and lay a drizzle of honey into them to form a three-by-three grid. We take turns spreading peanut butter and strawberry jelly into the boxes. The winner gets to eat the toast.’
‘Sounds like fun. What’s the question, caller?’
‘Every game we play is a draw. What should we do?’
‘Play a different game?’
‘We like Monopoly. We’ll try that. Thanks!’
Story Old — Not My Cousin Vinny
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash
Winnie-the-Pooh is a beloved resident of Hundred Acre Wood. He and his friends go on adventures, sing songs, play games, and generally enjoy life (except Eeyore, but that’s another story).
The stories don’t mention another bear in those woods, Vinny-the-Poo-Poo-Mouth as some know him, or as he calls himself, Pure Fuckin’ Sunshine.
When he “gets his groove on”, usually late at night after drinking enough fermented honey to pickle a mammoth, he starts singing Guns-N-Roses tunes at the top of his lungs, throwing empty jugs at trees, and picking fights with elms.
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