Prompts = Bored, Roll, Slave
Story New = Raymond Gets A Role
Raymond’s days for the past few months had involved sitting in a greasy spoon all day, drinking a poor substitute for coffee, pouring over the want ads. But yesterday’s classifieds included a talent search for a locally-produced movie.
A movie!
A career boosting opportunity!!!
‘This is incredible! I’ll be fantastic!’
This morning he met with the casting director.
‘My name is Raymond! I…!’
A bored hand rose. ‘Hired for the roll of third slave.’
‘I shall not disappoint! You’ll be…!’
The hand rose again. ‘You’re a deaf mute eunuch.’
‘Perfect! I’ve…!’
‘Deaf mute eunuch. Embrace the silence. Next.’
Story Old = I Am Not A Slave To My Desires
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
“I am not a slave to my desires. I am bored and not bothered by everything around me.”
Francisco ran through his mantra, readying himself for this, his final task. His guru assured him that enlightenment was his if only he could a. smell but not eat his mother’s food, b. listen to but not argue with his brother Roberto, (who was an idiot), and c. sit but not squirm for the entire time at the dinner table.
It was going to be a long night; he kept wanting to reach for a dinner roll to dip in the sauce.
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