Prompts = Significant, Digit, Class
Story 1 — Significant Syllables
Significant digits is a concept taught in high school math classes. Briefly, they’re the digits that are reliable and absolutely necessary to express a given number. When extraneous digits are used, it calls into question the underlying reliability of that number and all subsequent calculations.
I feel the same should be true in verbal communication, thus my use of “significant syllables”: the use of only the absolutely necessary syllables in order to reliably communicate.
Family and friends often inquire whether I believe my brevity to be rude. No.
They also wonder how my coworkers feel about it. I don’t know.
Story 2 — Rejection Hurts
Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash
I shouldn’t’ve done it. I shouldn’t’ve. But I did. And it’s done.
Just like I shouldn’t’ve just had my sixth scotch. Shouldn’t’ve. But I did . And it’s done.
But when a director, and I mean a no-talent failed-actor-turned-director whose greatest ambition is to not completely screw up the production by the St. Mercy’s Retirement Home’s of Cats, how can they turn away me? Raymond Peale! Thespian!
Yes, I was at a loss for words and showed no class whatsoever as I flashed the director my most significant digit.
I’ll never act there again.
Barkeep? Another.
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