Prompts = Sketch, Smile, Flush
Story 1 — Is It… Poker?
‘Let me sketch it out for you: I had Card Sharp on my right and Devilish Smile on my left. I’m sitting on a pair of ladies and…’
‘Queens? You had queens?’
‘No — I had sevens. Yes I had queens: hearts and diamonds. Which makes sense because I love diamonds. Anyway, the ten and four of hearts and the king of clubs flop. I play it coy, looking at a flush draw. I get the king of hearts on the turn and the ace on the river and I go all in and…’
‘Sorry — what game are you talking about?’
Story 2 — To Sketch The Sunrise
Photo by Ryan Braxton on Unsplash
To sketch the sunrise, the day’s first flush, deep purples and reds quickly turning to oranges and yellows. Working quickly is a must to capture an instant of the glorious dawn before the happy looking upside down smile of the Sun, its arc peeking over the horizon like a curious child, slowly padding forth but with growing confidence as it begins the long climb up the invisible ladder towards the zenith. But it’s when solar slumber turns to wakefulness that draws my sketchbook, coloured pencils, and I; as most people groggily reach for caffeine, I’m drawn to an old friend.
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