Prompts = Friday, Fragrant, Glow
Story New = Bliss. Ish
Another work week done, another Friday reached, another weekend started in the way she’d always done it her entire working life: candles glowing, fragrant lavender bath bomb in a warm bath, spa music in the background — flute playing over rain falling in a forest.
thump Thump THUmp THUMP ‘Ma! Dad says the pizza’s here!’
‘And ask her where the cutter is — Petroni’s didn’t cut the slices through again.’
‘Ma! Dad wants to know…’
‘Tell you father it’s in the cutlery drawer.’
‘Dad! Mom says…!’
‘Blaine, stop yelling! Go to the kitchen!’
‘Geez, no need to yell! Fine.’
Story Old = The Week Begins
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Groan. Dark. Cold. Alarm snoozed. Snoozing…zzzzz
Groan. Still dark. Still cold. Alarm silenced. Awake enough. Shuffle to bathroom. Start shower, warm water.
Warm steamy bathroom, open door, Gah! Cold! Get dressed fast! Suits are not built for warmth!
Make way to kitchen, fragrant with fresh brewed coffee. The glow of dawn refracted through icy window. Hot coffee and daylight begin to thaw the brain.
Turn on NPR and listen to whatever is on — anything to break the stillness. Coffee, radio, thoughts. The day begins. Check the watch; three minutes before the bus.
It’s Monday. Friday is too far away.
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