Prompts = Bowl, Long, Amaze
Story 1 — Relating Parental Experiences
There are activities you do as parents of young children that, when relating your experience to other parents, require only one or two words to relate them.
Let me demonstrate: bowling.
Within that one word lies tiny children pushing a comparatively huge ball down a long lane and the hope it will somehow not only make it to the pins but actually knock something over.
I was amazed that my daughter intently watched the ball roll the entire way each and every time.
Maybe it was the three strikes she rolled. Beginner’s luck, maybe.
Did better than me.
Darn kid.
Story 2 — My Presentation
Mrs. Rickerbocker, my fourth-grade teacher, said today was the big day.
I didn’t know what she meant.
We’d start doing our presentations, she said.
I thought they were due next week.
When she called on me, I didn’t know what to do.
Everyone looked at me.
I knew I had to talk about the Dust Bowl. So I did.
I said it lasted a long time. And that people were amazed there was so much dust. Everything was so dusty all the time.
Mrs. Rickerbocker was unimpressed, but she’s giving me another chance next week. Just like I wanted!
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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:
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