Prompts = Cancer, Booth, Route
Story 1 — Passport Control
During summer break, my friends and I went on this crazy road trip; we flew into Mumbai, rented a car, and just drove, with no set route or itinerary (which drove Paul, our resident control freak, absolutely nuts).
At a border crossing between I’m Not Sure and Who Knows Where, the passport control office had twelve booths, one for each zodiac sign.
At the Cancer booth, the agent started asking me personal questions, I guess to ensure I was Cancer-ish enough? Anyway, they let me though.
Paul, however, was denied entry.
He argued his case for hours!
Typical Aries.
Story 2 — Hypochondriac’s Placebo Clinic
Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash
Hi friends. Is there someone you know and love who takes medical molehills and turns them into emergency room mountains?
Here at the Hypochondriac’s Placebo Clinic, we don’t just offer food-coloured sugar pills and call them medicine. We offer a full range of noninvasive treatments that look and feel just like the real thing! Even your wallet won’t know the difference — we charge just as much as those other guys!
Sleep-study booths, cancer screenings, brain surgery — if you think you need it, we can fake it!
Open 24/7, near the Walmart on Route 27A and Witchipatchee Road.
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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:
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