Wednesday, March 31, 2021

If It's Natural, It's Healthy

Photo by Loverna Journey on Unsplash

Prompts = Hemlock, Fantastic, Stand-In

Welcome to the premier episode of “It’s Natural!”, the show where we ingest things from the Earth, because if it’s natural, it’s healthy.

First up is a lovely cup of tea. Smells heavenly! And it should, because this lovely concoction is hemlock, the drink that supposedly killed Socrates. Fun fact — hemlock is in the same plant family as the common carrot!

Let’s double down on the health, shall we? The water is pure ancient Roman water, with all the plumbing lead a citizen could expect.

Yum — fantastically refreshing!

No stand-in needed! I feel… why are my fingers numb?

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Passport Control + Hypochondriac's Placebo Clinic (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Cancer, Booth, Route

Story 1 — Passport Control

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

During summer break, my friends and I went on this crazy road trip; we flew into Mumbai, rented a car, and just drove, with no set route or itinerary (which drove Paul, our resident control freak, absolutely nuts).

At a border crossing between I’m Not Sure and Who Knows Where, the passport control office had twelve booths, one for each zodiac sign.

At the Cancer booth, the agent started asking me personal questions, I guess to ensure I was Cancer-ish enough? Anyway, they let me though.

Paul, however, was denied entry.

He argued his case for hours!

Typical Aries.


Story 2 — Hypochondriac’s Placebo Clinic

 Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Hi friends. Is there someone you know and love who takes medical molehills and turns them into emergency room mountains?

Here at the Hypochondriac’s Placebo Clinic, we don’t just offer food-coloured sugar pills and call them medicine. We offer a full range of noninvasive treatments that look and feel just like the real thing! Even your wallet won’t know the difference — we charge just as much as those other guys!

Sleep-study booths, cancer screenings, brain surgery — if you think you need it, we can fake it!

Open 24/7, near the Walmart on Route 27A and Witchipatchee Road.

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Monday, March 29, 2021

Inclusive Titles

Photo by Mariia Zakatiura on Unsplash

Prompts = Library, Rigid, Shame

Janette Washington grew up in a large house which featured an enormous private library, where she’d spend her free time organizing them.

She decided to become a librarian but vowed never to use the Dewey Decimal System; a single rigid method of shelving books, especially one designed by a white male, wasn’t right for her. She organized private collections using her own unique methods.

For instance, she felt book titles should be inclusive. “All Creatures Great And Small” — a wonderful title! However, “Of Mice And Men” wasn’t; she always hid that book on a high shelf.

It’s a shame she never read them. 

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Sunday, March 28, 2021

White Moves First


Photo by Carlos Esteves on Unsplash

Prompts = Capable, Member, Aggressive

Keep it calm. Keep it cool. You are a member, in good standing I might add, of the Winnipeg Chess Club. You are capable of great things. Your opponent might be aggressive, or clever, or even sneaky. But you’ve faced tough opponents before and while you’ve lost a few, you’ve also won some too. So don’t let the fact that the person across the table, your opponent, is from Toronto. Don’t psyche yourself out or make silly mistakes and you’ll have the best chance of being victorious. All you need to do is…

‘Uh…hey? You’re white — you move first.’

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

An Easy A?


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Prompts = Philosophy, Numbers, Frustrated

‘Welcome to Mathematical Pseudophilosophy. Together, we’re going to explore the nature of the Universe.

‘Everyone should be familiar with Real Numbers — all the numbers on a number line: 0, 1/2, pi.

‘And Imaginary Numbers — Real Numbers multiplied by “i”, the innocuous symbol representing square root of -1.

‘Real + Imaginary, are the Complex Numbers.

‘Now let’s talk philosophy: what does it mean for you and I and the Universe? Are we Complex? Is the Universe? If so, what’s the nature of complexity?’

I sat back, already frustrated. My friend said this was an easy A. Maybe Intro To Art History will be easier…

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Friday, March 26, 2021

Psychic Goddess Cassidy Non-Fungible Tokens

 Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

Hello darlings, I’m Psychic Goddess Cassidy and my intuition is buzzing away that you, my devoted followers, need Love, Compassion, and Empathy.

I’m so pleased to have recently received a consignment of the highest quality Good Feelings (trademarked) from High Fidelity Energy Masters living in the Himalayas. Using abilities granted to me by Archangel LemonDrop, I separate these feelings into non-fungible tokens so that you know you own the feeling and for prices that won’t leave you penny- or shirtless.

And you can trust me — I hold an Integrity NFT — which is available for sale at an appropriate price.

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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Learning To Sculpt + Time To Unleash The Mob (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Art, Substance, Spleen

Story New — Learning To Sculpt

Photo by The Digital Marketing Collaboration on Unsplash

I enrolled in an art class to learn how to sculpt the human body. It was open enrolment; that mistake is on them.

Each day’s lesson concentrates on different aspects of the human body: skeletal and muscular system shapes, internal organ placement, and so much more, to make accurate depictions of bodily form.

But where’s the fun in that? Why shouldn’t the liver be here? The spleen there? Why can’t I add a mystery substance to the buttocks? What would that look like?

Besides, if you want accurate proportions, take a picture and run it through a 3D printer.

Story Old — Time To Unleash The Mob

 Photo by Elias Arias on Unsplash

There is an art to venting one’s spleen in such a way that listeners will want to hear more. To unleash the power of anger and discontent that resonates within the masses, one must deliver substance and not just incoherent vitriol. The job of the successful orator who wishes to wrest control from the people, indeed be handed it by the people, one must speak of pathos to the body politic.

Therefore, preparation and practice is paramount, both in terms of familiarity with issues and also with delivery. Fury masked by humour is always effective.

Time to unleash the mob…

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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Less Than Useful Inventions

 Photo by Monirul Islam Shakil on Unsplash

Prompts = Invention, Kettle, Useful

Some of the world’s most useful inventions came from the labours of inventive minds with the financial backing of wealthy patrons.

Of course, less helpful inventions were produced as well…

‘Lord Suddsburry! Welcome to my workshop!’

‘I require something that will outshine whatever it is that Galileo fellow will be demonstrating this evening.’

‘Perhaps this, Lord? I call it the Fishoscope.’

‘A massive wooden box?’

‘True! But if you put water and small fish in it, you can look at them.’

‘And this is better than a kettle?’

‘The wood grain is more interesting, Lord.’

‘Fine. Ready it for tonight.’

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tantalizing Inappropriate Humour + Blame It On Croquet (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Trouble, Gate, Compulsive

Story 1 — Tantalizing Inappropriate Humour

Photo by bantersnaps on Unsplash

Don’t ask me why, but I find myself wanting to create a bit of… not trouble, per se, but perhaps some inappropriate humour, especially when I’m approaching someone in uniform.

Today, for instance, my Uber took me to my local mall using a shortcut through the neighbouring airforce base. As we approached the soldier guarding the gate, I felt a compulsion to roll down the window and ask “Pardon me, comrade, where are the military jets, please” in a thick Russian accent.

Thankfully, I’ve never gone beyond thinking about doing something; I’m sure the repercussions would be less than humorous.


Story 2 — Blame It On Croquet

 Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

It was always a question of when and how Le Comte Rouen would come to a bad end.

A well-known womanizer and an incorrigible drunkard, it was his compulsive gambling that finally landed him as a penniless beggar.

An upstart noble, who seemingly could smell opportunity, got under Rouen’s skin which led to a challenge: a game of croquet. Le Comte arrogantly accepted. Within minutes, Le Comte’s small bet was lost.

He blamed the loss on the noble, so they exchanged equipment and played again for larger stakes. He lost again.

And again. And again.

Until he was bankrupted.

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Monday, March 22, 2021

Planning My Virtual Reality


Photo by Sophia Sideri on Unsplash

Prompts = Reality, Hectic, Dispose

I often wonder what the future will hold, like what living in virtual reality might be like.

Imagine being surrounded by computer-generated characters: rich, poor, famous, unknown, virtuous, criminal — anything you want! What might be more exciting is taking the place of someone else! You could change skins as often as we change clothes now! Dispose of the champion athlete for the rockstar and then move on to a billionaire philanthropist, all from the comfort of your home.

On the other hand, life is hectic enough as it is. Maybe I’d be a cat and sleep all the time.

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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Tokay Okay

“It won’t be that different, living in Canada rather than Thailand. You’ll love it.” That’s what my father said to me right before we moved.

August was nice, plenty of sunshine and the weather is warm, but December was horrid: cold, dark, miserable. I wished I was back home. I missed everything, even the little gecko that’d come out at night.

I was walking through an evergreen forest in a huff when a glimmer caught my eye. It couldn’t be, but it was — a tokay peering through a spruce.

He’s my secret friend. I feed him bugs. Imaginary, of course.

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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Statistical Reality

 Photo by Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash

Prompts = Girl, Statistical, Japan

I commute to work using a subway line that also serves a local university; students ride it all the time.

The other day, I read an article on my phone about how atoms aren’t anywhere with certainty, only probabilistically, then quotes scientists wondering if this effect will ever be measured in bigger scales.

Right after I’d finished reading, a girl starts talking about Japanese researchers theorizing that automobile accident witnesses report different things due to Statistical Reality — observers observing probable events.

I didn’t understand a word. I just thought it was spooky she started talking right after I’d finished reading!

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Friday, March 19, 2021

Giant Speaks

Prompts = Clip, Bean, Another

“Fee Fi Fo Fum

“Make giant seem dumb

“But it hard to speak rhyme

“All the fo fum time

“But me is big smart

“And for lady giant,

“Have big heart”

This clip is from my exclusive interview with Giant, a self-proclaimed spokes-giant for all giant-kind, airing tomorrow evening. During our hour-long conversation, Giant pushes back against accusations by Jack, his mother, and a band of so-called magic bean pushers.

Here’s another piece from that conversation:

“Giant no eat people

“Giant no eat meat

“Giant vegetarian

“Hawaiian pizza quite a treat.

“Pineapple so very sweet!”

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