Prompts = Sizzle, Flop, Splat
Story New — What’s Burning?
Julie sat off camera, composing herself before going live. It was something she’d learned to do after her disastrous first episode.
The smell of burning eggs was something she’d forever associate with it. She’d lost track of the frying pan and failed to hear the transformation of gentle sizzle to ignition. Seeing flames, she’d grabbed the hot handle and immediately dropped it; the clank and splat of pan and eggs going everywhere. It’d gone downhill from there, a total flop.
Fast forward to now, 132 episodes and the number one show on the public access network.
One last deep breath…
Story old — untitled
Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash
The project to leapfrog supercomputer calculations from terra flops to mega splats per second (a bazillion times faster) had been hit by delay after delay. Lightning strike fried circuit breakers and sensitive components. A rogue rat chewed cabling. And now? Fruit fly infestation buggering up the electronics.
Despite visits by scientists, researchers, security consultants, asset protection managers, rodent extermination experts, and exorcists, the project continued to face extraordinary challenges. What was trying to stand in the way of progress?
Was it the case, like a few people were saying, that it was Mother Earth herself standing in the way?
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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:
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