Prompts = Frig, Fricken, Frack
Story New — Too Much Cola?
‘Where’s the frig at?’ James smiled self-satisfactorily. He and his friends were touring the USS Constitution. They looked at him quizzically, but Louis groaned.
‘“Frig at”? Frigate? That’s such a dad joke. And makes no sense.’
‘Where’s the brig on a frig? Rig the frig! I hate trig!’
‘Dude, stop.’
Everyone looked embarrassed as James started singing. ‘Fricken fracken, let’s release the kraken!’
‘Release the kraken!’ James boomed, then paused. ‘You’ve seen the movie?’
‘Clash of the Titans, yeah. You’ve got to calm down.’
‘A kraken would kick this boat’s butt.’
‘I guess?’
‘Yeah… that frig would be…
Story Old — Untitled
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
“People, we need to get a handle on this plague!”
Virginia Whitehead, President of Don’t Say That Word had a look on her face that might have frightened…well… no one actually. But she thought it looked fierce.
“There are simply too many people using too many words that could be construed as… you know… that word!” She had a strict rule about using… you know… That Word.
“You mean Frig? Fricken? Frack? Fudge?” Harold Beltzer knew it would cost him his job if he said The Word. But he could play with his boss’ emotions all he liked.
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