Prompts = Message, Unwanted, Dairy
Story 1 — Unwant
I sent a message of love, delivered by a trusted servant, which said in part, ’Marry me and you will want for nothing.’
Two days passed before she replied. ‘When you say “I will want for nothing”, are you saying you will provide me everything I want? Or that I will lose my desire for everything I want; that I will, to coin a phrase, “unwant”, just as one does moldy bread and spoiled dairy? Would I then simply see everything as “unwanted”? And where would the “unwanting” stop? Tell me, I implore you.’
Maybe I should’ve just sent flowers.
Story 2 — A Proposed Reply
Photo by Quentin Keller on Unsplash
‘Hello, dear sister. There’s another message for you from that pompous dairy farmer who’s been asking to marry you for the past three months.’
‘Again? He’s as vain as the peacock that so unwillingly gave up a feather to be his quill. And if there’s anything so unwanted in my life its another proposal from him.’
‘How will you respond this time? Another round of silence?’
‘No, I think not. This time I shall use confusion as a way to dissuade further pursuit. I shall weave a reply so obtuse, he’ll look for easier, lower hanging fruit.’
‘Want help?’
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