Prompts = Fountain, Displace, Hear
Story 1 — A Writing Process
He sits back, reading and rereading the three words sitting on the page; the remaining white space waits patiently for a story to coalesce. He sees the words form connections and can hear snippets of different stories containing a variety of plot lines and a multitude of points of view. They fountain forth, displacing what came before and washed away by what follows, until the fingers catch hold of words, sentences, paragraphs, and they appear as if by magic on the screen. He reads, edits, smooths, polishes but some burrs remain, inadvertently or not.
And then he does it again.
Story 2 — Planning Her Birthday
Photo by Medina Catering on Unsplash
‘I said I wanted a molten chocolate fountain!’ Chelsey stomped her foot but the deep carpet of the hotel’s ballroom kept it from being heard.
‘Sweetheart, listen to reason: it isn’t practical.’
‘I don’t care, Daddy! I want it! I’ll only ever turn seven once!’ Her desire to angrily stomp was displaced by free flowing tears and loud snivelling whimpers.
‘Chelsey, please understand! What you want is a chocolate volcano! Everything and everyone will be covered!’
‘Fine’, she glowered. ‘I guess I don’t get pony rides either.’
He seriously contemplated it. At least it’d be less mess than the fountain.
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