Prompts = Grind, Rise, Relate
Story 1 — Addicted
Blasted game. I hate it.
Every chance I get, I’m online trying to rise in the ranks. But each level requires more time, grinding on mission after mission. And while it feels good to advance, there’s always another ability to earn, another goal to accomplish, more time and energy needed.
I’m anxious all the time. I can’t sleep. When I do manage to drift off, my dreams are filled with fight sequences involving countless faceless enemies keeping me from completing my quests.
It makes me want to scream!
So yeah, I can relate to your love/hate relationship with it.
Story 2 — Why Are You Embarrassed?
Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash
‘My turn to tell a funny story! Jacob related this one to me when we first met.’
‘Meg? No.’
‘He doesn’t like me telling it but I think it’s hysterical. It happened his freshman year of college when he went home for the holiday break.
‘He’s walking up the driveway and Jack, the family cocker spaniel, races from the house and starts dancing and yelping! But then he starts grinding on Jacob’s leg and very noticeably got a rise out of it, if you know what I mean!’
‘Shoot me. Please.’
‘What? It’s funny. Who’ll go next?’
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