Thursday, December 10, 2020

Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, Parts 1 and 3 (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Reindeer, Tree, Cookie


Story New — Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, Part 3

Clyde is the coolest reindeer

Every other reindeer knows

Even the Fat Man said it

We don’t need that glowing nose

All of the other reindeer

Get lost when walking in their homes

They are simply useless

They’re just like those silly gnomes

It’s all me I’ve got to say

Santa’s on his phone

Keeps the cookies to himself

While I place presents in the home



‘You are on my naughty list. It’s desk duty for you. Rudolph, thank you for alerting me to this utter disrespect.’

‘No problem, boss.’ Rudolph shot Clyde a “gotcha” wink and smirk.

Story Old — Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, Part 1

“Grandpa, what’cha hangin’ on the tree?”

“A reindeer.”

“Which one?”


“There’s no ‘Clyde’ reindeer.”

“Sure there is. Reindeer are teamed up in pairs: Dasher and Dancer and all that. Clyde’s next to Rudolph.”

“But Rudolph’s nose glows bright and…”

“And Clyde has radar. Good team.”


“Rudolph plays the victim: that whole ’no one will play with me’ thing. Not so. Rudolph is upper crust. Highfalutin. Rudolph’s PR team make you pity him, so he’s popular. But no one remembers Clyde.”

“Hi Mom! Grandpa’s been tellin’ me ‘bout…”

“Yes, I heard. Dad — have you been eating my medicinal cookies again?”

For Clyde, The Forgotten Reindeer, Part 2:

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