Prompts = Forever, Flight, Feathers
Story New — The Bird Bath And Bar
“I just flew in from Orlando and boy are my wings tired!” Cue rim shot.
The number of flamingos who attend open mic night, drunk on fermented crustacean, thinking that line’s hilarious, it’s… it’s a lot.
I try to have a thick layer of feathers about it but there’s only so much a poor bird’s brain can take. Forever ago I tried poetry night; that went over like a flight of penguins. So it’s this and hen’s night (no chicks) that keeps this dump afloat on a constantly changing thermal.
But it could be worse; vulture food orders are disgusting.
Story Old — untitled
Photo by Octav Cado on Unsplash
The seat’s uncomfortable. I wanna move and swing my legs and see if I can touch the seat ahead of me but mom keeps putting her hand on my legs.
I’m bored.
This is taking FOREVER!
Dad kept trying to say that this would be fun. We’ll ride on an airplane he said. I said that it’s called a flight. I guess I’m also precocious, whatever that is.
I wanna skip rope or run or do anything other than SIT HERE!
There are two feathers sticking out of Mr. Bun. Maybe I’ll tickle the baby with them.
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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:
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