Sunday, January 31, 2021

Thoughts And Dreams


Photo by dorota dylka on Unsplash

Prompts = Delve, Thought, Confrontation

Hello darlings, Psychic Goddess Cassidy here to delve into the worlds of thoughts and dreams.

Remember that the two are very different. For instance, a thought involving confrontation comes from a conscious desire to address a fearful situation whereas a dream arises from the subconscious to digest a stressful occurrence.

Call the toll-free number shown below to access a full suite of stress coaching and dream interpretation services at prices even your astral guides can afford. And with every purchase, you’re automatically entered for a free thirty minute consultation with me.

I’ll be right back after this commercial break.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Boris Speaks


Photo by Matthew Wiebe on Unsplash

Prompts = Clock, Bug, Mad

I was scouting for somewhere to live when I found a promising place: dark, manageable size, and a natural hangout for my favourite food group: bugs. Yes, there was a regular ticking noise but I paid it no mind. But as I was setting up an initial web in accordance with standard Feng Shui principals, this incredibly loud bonging happened. It was only one so I thought nothing of it.

Genius that I am, I’d settled in a grandfather clock. I was mad when I realized where I’d landed. But soon it’ll be ok; I’m suing to stop the bonging.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Friday, January 29, 2021

Law School Thoughts

 Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash

Prompts = Facsimile, Horizontal, Inequity

Rory stood in the cereal aisle, frozen. He noted placements of brands, groupings of types. At eye level sat more adult name-brand offerings made from whole wheat, oats, and granola. Below the ‘healthy” horizontal sat “kid products” — sugary cereals. And sitting below that, almost hidden on the bottom shelf, sat bags of off-brands.

Was that right? Or was there an inequity in the treatment of these consumables?

Does sitting on the bottom shelf serve as fair presentation? Or was it a poor facsimile of representation?


He chuckled at himself. Law school — it makes you see things differently.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Shut Up. I'm Busy. + untitled (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Further, Introductory, Transmit

Story New = Shut Up. I’m Busy.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

10,000 years ago, the scientifically advanced civilization of Mayfair transmitted introductory messages at millions of planets thought to support life, hoping to make contact and further their understanding of the universe.

9,000 years ago, Mayfair was invaded by the Rotguts. War ensued.

Ten years ago, the war ended.

Currently, an iron-handed dictator rules the planet. His teenage daughter wanders hallways that used to house “eggheads” and “geeks” (her words, not mine).

Today, she sits doing her nails in a giant room when computer screens flash an incoming message: ‘Greetings from Earth.’

Indignant, she types back: ‘Shut up. I’m busy.’


Story Old = untitled

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

The atmosphere in the Command Centre was tense. Not one of the experts crammed into the room had ever faced this situation before; not a single person ever had.

“Prepare to transmit introductory message, phase 1” blared the Director’s voice over the intercom.

Months earlier, a signal had been received from an area near Betelgeuse — a signal that was clearly from an advanced civilization. Humans were getting ready to respond.

“Transmit introductory message, phase 1. Prepare to load further message codes upon my command”.

Humanity had just said Hi back to ET. Would the message be welcomed?

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hard Word


Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

‘Hey man. I’ve got a word for you.’

I read the email, curious. What might this word be? I decided to play it cool. ‘Alright. Lay it on me.’

‘You’ve been spoiled in your choices, dude. So let me give you a dose of literary hardship. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That’s my word. Do your worst, Mary Poppins.’

Wow. Hard word. What can I do with it? It’s a nonsense word from a movie with no set definition.

Maybe all I need to do is mention it, then move on. Do it once and never use it again.

Yeah. That’s what I’ll do.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

She Was Who? + And Now For Looney Andy (2 Fer Tuesday)

Prompts = Sushi, Spy, Portrait

Story 1 — She Was Who?

Photo by Thomas Marban on Unsplash

The room was stark and cold, bare for a table and two hard chairs. A hardened interviewer sat relaxed on one side. A miserable sushi chef sat at the other.

It had taken six hours for law enforcement to believe that the chef hadn’t known the woman in the hoodie who’d come crashing into his kitchen, gripping her side, blood flowing through fingers, demanding help.

She was also an enemy spy.

It’d taken another two hours for the chef to convince the agent to let him go back to his restaurant; he promised to draw the spy’s portrait using sushi.


Story 2 — And Now For Looney Andy

 Photo by Riccardo Bergamini on Unsplash

Why do they call paper orientations “portrait” and “landscape”? What if I want to see a portrait of some landscape, like a single tree? Or a landscape of faces? What do I call it then?

Another thing that makes no sense is I Spy With My Little Eye. What little eye? I don’t have one. Do you?

My grandson the other day, with his little eye, spotted something pink. The sushi in the menu. No. The portrait of sushi. No. Maybe it’s landscape. No. Turns out it was a thumbnail of sushi.

Thumbnails; the new normal, neither portrait nor landscape.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Monday, January 25, 2021

Yesterday Delivery

Photo by Super Straho on Unsplash

Prompts = Fret, Aspirin, Cause

Realize a day too late that bottle of aspirin expired? Or that your dinner didn’t defrost overnight and is still frozen solid?

Fret no more about all of these occurrences where hindsight is definitely 20/20. From the same people who deliver toilet paper to your home in twenty minutes comes Yesterday Delivery, our new premium subscription service. Utilizing the frighteningly freaky forces of quantum mechanics where cause and effect don’t have to behave nicely, we can send your order before it’s been placed.

For only a small fortune, you too can make sure you’ve got everything you need before you need it!

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Psychic Goddess Cassidy

 Photo by Lua Valentia on Unsplash

Prompts = Random, Psychic, Purchase

Hello darlings, I’m Psychic Goddess Cassidy and the spirits tell me I’m pleased to see each and every one of you today. Welcome to the latest instalment of my subscription service to become more deeply attuned and aligned to the flow of life.

As a side note to any newcomers who are having trouble finding their flow, click over to my merchandise page and purchase what calls to you.

While on that page, if you are inspired to join my Premium Service for more personalized attention, you will receive a random gift guaranteed to match your personal vibrations.

Let’s begin.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Intelligence Of Things

 Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

Prompts = Malevolent, Maximum, Hanger

Ever get the feeling there are products imbued with malevolent intelligence?

Ever notice that paranoid suspicions are only attributed to things that don’t work the way they should?

But I digress.

My latest purchase of picture hangers has convinced me that they are mischievous.

Or rather, hanging them on the wall convinced me.

Or rather, not staying on the wall convinced me.

And the whispers…

‘Alpha flight, situation report!’

‘Stationed in a hall. No opportunity to break anything.’

‘Roger. Wait for a quiet moment, then crash. Beta flight?’

‘Fragile lamp sighted.’

‘Prepare for maximum damage. On my mark! Go!’


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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Friday, January 22, 2021

Ready For Some Football

 Photo by Keith Johnston on Unsplash

Prompts = Mandatory, Union, Struggle

I was watching football with my friends in my man cave when Roy started talking about how unhappy he is in his marriage (I’ll refrain from details — his sob story ran over halftime).

In a rare show of support, Rich said he struggles in his too. Which prompted Rod to chime in as well.

By the time the game was done, the Aggrieved Husbands Union was born.

But that’s where the friendly discussion ended. Should we strike? What would that look like? How might our wives respond?

The only thing that was decided was mandatory Sunday meetings during football season.

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Oh No, Not Again + untitled (Throwback Thursday)

Prompts = Espresso, Compilation, Remote

Story New — Oh No, Not Again

Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

‘That’s funny.’

Officer Frank Cappuccino glanced at the twenty-something next in line to order. Knowing what was coming, he asked anyway. ‘What’s funny?’

‘Your name tag says “Cappuccino” but you ordered an espresso.’



‘I grade comments about my last name on a scale of 1 to 5–5 being high. Your’s rated a 2.’


‘Yeah. But then again, every time a wiseacre tries to be funny, it’s like hitting play on the remote controlling a soundtrack: the compilation of years worth of comments. Sorry to say, your’s won’t make the highlight real. Have a nice day.’


Story Old — untitled

Photo by Mykyta Martynenko on Unsplash

After waiting in line outside the coffee shop for ten minutes, I finally made my way inside and prepared for another longer, but at least warmer, wait.

I had time on my hands and so looked at all the occupied tables with everyone engaged on laptops, phones, and, rarely, with another person.

My eyes lit on one older man who was simply staring into space, looking at nothing in particular. Remote. What looked like a finished espresso in front of him. A lifetime’s compilation of cares and worries etched on his face.

He smiled sadly, sighed, and slowly left. 

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art:

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

You Can't Say That!


Prompts = Moderate, Connotation, Ban

‘You can’t say that!’

‘Say what?’


‘Just tell me what I can’t say.’

‘If I tell you, then I’ll say what can’t be said!’

‘An impasse, then.’

‘We shouldn’t just impasse, we should totally ban it.’

‘But what exactly?’

‘Oh no you don’t. You won’t trick me to say it!’

‘Let me expand. Will you ban a certain phrase? A denotation — a direct meaning? A connotation — an implied meaning?’

‘We should ban it all! That’s all that needs to be said!’

‘I’d support a moderate ban if only you told me what’s being banned.’

‘It’s — wait… no you don’t!’

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And a link to where my Lovely Lady Love (who also operates the camera) posts her art: